Tuesdays or Thursdays at Cwmbach Community School 6.00pm-7.30pm
The cost of the class is £6 per week
The Majors Academy is aimed at students aged 12-18 and will always begin and end with a circle. The sessions will focus on musical theatre, confidence building and improvisation. The Majors Academy will teach and develop drama techniques and will also work towards a performance at the end of each term. The students in this group will go into detail about performance techniques and have an opportunity to learn about what being a performer is all about. The sessions aim to develop student’s talents and abilities and to cultivate practical and creative skills. Students will learn about working as an ensemble and develop new friendships. The classes will be balanced equally into acting, dancing and singing although sometimes if we are working towards a production this is not always possible. The main focus is for students to enjoy these sessions and to develop skills for life.
Students in the Majors Academy can also sit LAMDA exams and attend one to one singing lessons if they wish.
We are pleased to maintain a 100% pass rate at LAMDA examinations.